My KR2: Home Page: | Canopy | Controls | Front  Deck | Folding Wing Brackets | Dan Diehl Tri Main Gear | Engine - Oil Cooler Page | Instrument Panel | Removing Diehl Wing Skin/ Flaps | Latest  Update Photo Page | Flipping Fuselage | Wing Walk | Flying KR2 Photo's | Guest Book | Aussie KR Builders Group Photo's | April 07 Photo | Wing Gap Seals | For Sale Page 1 | Finished Building Photo's | For sale Page 2 | Video Clip Page | Belt Drive Conversion | Cowl Mods for Belt Drive | Photo Page | KR2SS Building Photo Page
My KR2: Home Page:

Welcome to My KR2 Construction Home Page.

Updated:  July 2007

If you see anything not working ,or needs fixing, Please Send me an email.

Picked up Aircraft, December 2001. But had to build and fit out a workshop.

Construction started Feb. 2001, a few months latter.

See Take 2007

See Engine run at you tube:

Kr2 Take off x 2 at:


Kr2 Landing at:

 Thanks to Mark Langford you can see a fantastic  table he put together at , which
lists various KR engine, airframe, carb, and prop combinations that are
working for others.  It's not a definitive guide, but it's a clue as to
various performance levels that can be expected.


This Web site features the challangers of purchasing someone elses partly finished Kr2, and trying to make it into a safe and enjoyable hobby and project. My technques are from the KRnet and tips I've gathered from research and from experience. ANY MODIFICATIONS ARE NOT APPROVED BY RAND ROBINSON.

My Kr purchase

My Kr came from BoxHill in Sydney, some 7 hour drive from home, at the time I did not know anyone that could come with me to inspect it, so I took the chance and inspected it with my wife. It looked like a good buy with only a minimal amount to finish. ( So I thought, looks were not as they seemed) The things that  made it attractive, were Diehl wing skins, and tricycle undercarrage with disc brakes, canopy, turttle deck, cowls and prop. Also the choice of two VW engines,

But I later found that I needed to make new Wings, Canopy, Turtle deck, Tail feathers with Dr D's hinges ,front deck etc, etc. So I will list my building project as I go.

The photo at the right taken 2010- with two blade Bolly.

up dating

Some Important Links

Allan Buzza, Aviation Signs:

Your are Visitor Number

2665 plus



Send me an e-mail

Click to Enlarge: Updated MARCH 07. My KR2 Ready to weigh. total of 290 kg (638 lbs) Front 104kg (229.5 lbs) R 92.5kg (204.6 lbs) L 92kg (203.3 lbs) C of G 3.5 inches aft of Wing L/E

My RG2000 type 4 Engine from VW Engines Aust.

100hp Geared Drive, 200ft/lb torque.

Prop = Bolly 60inch Ground Adjustable.

2010- with test two blade Bolly ground adjustable prop- Now has 3 blade Bolly on it.