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Latest Update Photo Page

CLICK ON THUMB NAIL : These are some of the latest photo's that do not need a page of there own.

Before and after spray filler photo.

Fuel Tap, Gascolator & pump,Dash Pannel,Carb Linkage,Trim

Before Spray filler was applied

After Spray Filler Aug 22

Fuel system drawing

R Modified Aileron

Engine and fuel pressure and regulator gauge, in the centre

Latest Rear view Dash and wiring

With my removial Front Deck and Canopy, as well as Removial Turtle deck, I can pull my KR down to this for a service and check over in less then 10 min.

Twin Carb Linkage

New Trim. I fitted Piano hing under the elevator skin. I will strengthen this after the holding epoxy dries.

Garry Morgans's Joey 2 = ( Copy of KR2ssss 44 inch fuse)

Sanding inner wing fillets

closing gaps around flaps to fuse area

Don Lavricks Round main Gear legs

New spinner from Cummins Spinners Bendigo

New spinner side view

New complete Panel Dec

Interior and light storage, rear windows

Decals, No step, Experimental signage.

KR2 Sticker from Aviation Signs Australia. Allen Buzza.

Finished Pannel, less GPS.

Rear Deck and windows Now finished.

Finished Fuse less engine. Signage from Aviation signs:

Front , less engine, needs painting soon

Can not wait to get the engine back in and head to airport, to start testing

Above: 4130 Bar similar to RV4

Two cables from Bar to H/S bulk head

Front through the canopy
