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Canopy Construction

I have a Todd's Dragonfly Canopy from the US. Great optics. flexable.

I have lost many nights sleep about this subject. But Thanks to Mark Langford, the job was easier than I expected.


My Canopy is rounded more at the rear than Mark Lanford's, I was unsure if I could force the Canopy to be flatter on top, like marks, and left it as is, But Yes it is very Flexable and could have changed its shape. The Canopy sits on three Laminated layers of 1/4 inch pine, cut to match the top rails. The canopy was sat in position and exopied to the rails. then 5 oz glass cloth epoxied along the outside of the rail and canopy.  I worked out a front deck shape from the front of the Canopy, but I made three front decks before I was happy with the shape. (The front deck is removable with a piano hinge, see Forward deck page) 



Click to enlarge:    Canopy sitting on fuse.

Canopy sitting on rails ready to glass the sides

Click to enlarge :   Glassing 2 inch square rear canopy frame


Click to enlarge :   Glassing inside of rear frame

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